01. Alight at Harishpur Bus Terminal followed by Autobike/Rickshaw Sher-e Bangla High School west side and Al-Sal Haspal East side District Information Office, Natore. (Rent - Rs. 5)
02. Alight at railway station followed by Autobike/Rickshaw Sher-e Bangla High School west side and Al-Sal Haspal east side District Information Office, Natore. (Rent - Tk. 10/15)
03. Ekdala Bypass then Autobike/Rickshaw Sher-e Bangla High School west side and Al-Sal Haspal East side District Information Office, Natore. (Rent Tk. 10/15/20)
Note: You can come from any part of Bangladesh by bus and train.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS